Mechanix Wear® Size 9 Hi-Viz Yellow M-Pact® CR5 Full Finger Tredry® Ad Amortex® Anti-Vibratin Gloves With Hook And Loop Cuff


Sharp tools and sharp materials put working hands at risk of severe abrasions, lacerations and puncture injuries. The M-Pact® CR5 features a synthetic palm with an internal layer of Armortex®, delivering CE level 5 cut resistance to the palm and fingers. Sonic welded Thermal Plastic Rubber (TPR) delivers impact resistance to the top of the hand from the knuckles to the tip of each finger to reduce crushing and pinching injuries. XRD® cushioning in the palm reduces impact and vibration from hand tools for relief day in and day out. Visible hands are safe hands so we incorporated fluorescent, ANSI-107 compliant materials to improve visual awareness in the workplace.

SKU: MF1SMP-C91-009 Category: